The bus arrives. As people see it pull into the lot, they start moving in my direction. It comes to a stop right at the edge of the concrete slab.
I start to think about what it is that makes people feel they need to push, shove, block, and cut-off anyone between them and boarding this bus. What is it, exactly? Why do people do this? First I ponder, maybe it's a result of people who have not had a lot of opportunities in their lives. Maybe they have learned they need to fight for everything, because it's the only way they'll ever get anything. I suppose this is possible, but then wouldn't those who have had darn near everything handed to them (certainly every necessity) in their lives exhibit the opposite behavior? But, this is not the reality in my experience. Then again, perhaps the more fortunate exhibit their pushy behavior as a result of a different motivating factor - perhaps they just feel they are entitled to what ever they want. I'm not sure. Then I think maybe it's a result of a persons selfish or selfless nature. I suppose it could be, but I personally can be a pretty selfish person and I don't feel the need to cut people off and force my way onto the bus. Maybe I'm just not selfish enough. I don't think i like that theory - too assuming, and highly unlikely. Maybe it's the way people were raised. Or whether people are more likely to 'sweat the small stuff'. I'm definitely not a 'small stuff sweater' - that could explain it. But my mom used to be prone to sweating the small stuff (I don't think she does as much anymore) and I have never known her to be pushy in these kinds of situations, ever. Which does lend some support to the idea that how one is raised has much to do with it. Maybe it's a lack of respect thing. Though I'm not sure how I feel about just saying that everybody who exhibits this behavior is disrespectful... then again, to some degree, they really are, aren't they ...
WOAH! That's my stop coming up!
I still don't know the answer... I was just pondering.
Still pondering,
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