Thursday, July 15, 2010

Caution: I break for Cranes!

I've been on a mission to get pictures of Monarch butterflies for about a week now.  It's not going particularly well.

Last week Wednesday was apparently official Monarch mating day.  I saw them stuck together everywhere.  I was able to get a couple shots of a pair in the MAC hall courtyard at break time.  They're nice pics, but their wings aren't open so you can't see their beautiful colors.  I swear they've either got their wings clamped closed or they're flying around at break-neck speeds - there is no intermediate.



I think these ones are called Swallowtails, but don't quote me on that - I pretty much just made it up.
They're not quite as pretty as far as markings go, but at least they hold still for more than half a second.



I've also been trying to get a picture of a Goldfinch eating in a patch of thistle plants near the parking lot I walk from to get to campus.  They're terribly uncooperative and run for the hills every time I get close.  They prefer to make me use every last drop of zoom I have on my camera to catch them in the trees.


I can't help but love the color of the sky in these pics.  Perfection.
Did I ever mention that I almost never edit my pictures?  I don't.  I hardly even know how.  Not to mention I don't have the time right now.
A friend of mine has photoshop - the super expensive version that you can load on as many computers as you want.  I can't believe what they charge for that.  It's insane.  She said she'll hook me up.
When I graduate I'd really like to get a new computer so I can set up an actual desk and give it a go.  My current computer is bursting at the seams with programs and files.  I. don't. have. the power!!


Of course the other finches were happy to come hang out by me, though.


I'm not really sure what kind of bird this is, but they're pretty.
Someday I'll look it up.



Today, after class, I stalked Monarchs.  It was not a successful expedition.  

I got in the car, set the camera on the passenger seat, and headed for home halfway hoping I would see something interesting to take a picture of before I got to the highway.  I can't say I expected this.


She (yes, I decided she is a she - sometimes you just know these things) was standing on the side of the driveway leading from the parking lot to the main road looking like she wanted to cross.  Nobody was behind me so I stopped and dove for my camera.  She casually made her way across the road and into the practice field on the other side.  I'm not sure what she was eating but she sure seemed to think it was pretty delicious.



I'll freely admit I wasn't exactly sure what she was.  I thought maybe she was a heron... or a crane... or who knows what for sure.  According to this site, I'm not alone in my confusion.  She is a Sandhill Crane, but she is often confused with heron species.   



He He!!  This picture cracks me up for some reason.

All in all, it wasn't a half bad day.

Note:  Remember when I told you about my criminology paper that I planned to write on dog fighting?  It's done.  Twenty minutes before the deadline.  That's how I roll.
I have some modifications I need to do before posting it because my purpose here is a little different from the assignment itself.  I don't want to make any mistake about what I have to say.  It should be up this weekend at the latest.  


  1. I think swallowtails have a long point (tail) on each wing. That butterfly looks like a migration of them that went through here one year. It was weird, never seen before, and never seen since. I think I figured out what they were at the time, but can't remember now, and couldn't find out either.
    I think it's funny that there is an 'official' monarch butterfly mating day:)

  2. I think you're right. This "butterfly" actually looks a lot more like a moth species to me when I look at his body. I'll have to work on getting a butterfly identification book one of these days.

  3. That is a HUGE bird! I do that when I see moose, pull over, stop, and grab my camera. Driving around is the only way I seem to catch them on my camera!

    And your search for monarch photos sounds like mine for lightning photos... I've been out after storms SIX times and they've either died when I got there or I end up in the middle of them getting rained and hailed on. You can't take photos in the middle of all that! Goodluck! Lets hope we are both successful :)

  4. I love bird pictures. These are great AJV.


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